Monday, September 16, 2013

The Last First Birthday and First First Post

We had the last first birthday in our house yesterday. Part of me wanted it to be a big occasion, to invite friends, to make décor, and to cook a big meal. That is what my neighbors and friends did, I have standards to keep. The larger part of me said, "no, keep it simple and do not stress." If I planned a big party along with my older son beginning kindergarten, combined with me back to school full time it would be too much. I didn't even feel like cleaning the house for company to come over. Not that I feel like doing that-ever. Fortunately, the larger part of me won. This time I was not disappointed in myself for not meeting my expectations of grandeur. I decided I would supply pizza and cake and that people would come over when convenient for us, not when they thought the party should be. (The they will more than likely be discussed in future blogs). I cleaned up a little, swept and tidied, and asked hubby to clean the toilet, but no windows or floors and ignored fridge prints.

And you know what? It was fine. The kids were happy, I wasn't stressed, and family members seemed happy enough and were in and out after food, cake, and presents.

I realized there is an abundance of media out there showing moms who work full-time, cook organically, bake fresh daily, decorate their kid's room like a Disney exhibit, and still have time for their hobbies, as if. Even though most people can't really do all of this all of the time, parents, especially moms feel compelled to keep up. I know I do. I truly enjoy doing these types of things, but feel guilty when I cannot. It takes the enjoyment away. I am a stay-at-home mom, so I feel that I should be doing these things because I need to show my production. I often remind myself that it is okay to let things go and not care who says what. It is more important that I am enjoying myself and my family.

It isn't about what everyone else thinks. It is about striking a balance of fun for the kids and adults. That breaks down to good food and play (after the work is done of course). That is where I would like to take my blog, to finding a balance in life, sifting through the blahs and making sure we all have plenty of fun and good food to eat.

There. Bam! I did it, my first blog post! Now, I'm just hoping down the line that I will read my own blog and not feel inferior.